Head & Neck Cancer
Insight into recognizing symptoms for early detection Early detection of head and neck cancer Symptoms of head and neck cancer and more… More than 55,000

Sinus & Allergy Disease/ Nasal Obstruction
Why Do We Suffer From Nasal And Sinus Discomfort? The body’s nasal and sinus membranes have similar responses to viruses, allergic insults, and common bacterial

Sleep Apnea/Inspire
Sleep apnea is a dangerous sleep disorder that interferes with healthy breathing patterns during sleep. It is characterized by snoring, which may be so loud

Hearing Loss/Hearing Aids
One of the most common birth defects is hearing loss or deafness (congenital), which can affect as many as three of every 1,000 babies born.

Tonsillitis refers to inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsils (glands at the back of the throat, visible through the mouth). The inflammation may involve other areas

Throat Pain/Acid Reflux
Insight into relief for a sore throat What causes a sore throat? What are my treatment options? How can I prevent a sore throat? and

Speech/Swallowing & Voice Disorders
It may come as a surprise to you the variety of medical conditions that can lead to voice problems. The most common causes of hoarseness

Dizziness & Balance Disorders
Insight into causes and prevention What is dizziness? What causes dizziness? How will my dizziness be treated? and more… Feeling unsteady or dizzy can be

Thyroid Disease
Insight into complications and treatment What is a thyroid disorder? What treatment may be recommended? What is thyroid surgery? and more… Your thyroid gland is

Allergy Management
Insight into causes, treatment, and prevention Why does the body develop allergies? What are common allergens? When should a doctor be consulted? and more… Millions